Welcome to Accra Meditation


We offer practical introductory classes to help you find the peace and joy that lies at the core of your being.

About our classes

Learn the meditation techniques that Sri Chinmoy taught and his life-affirming and transformative philosophy that gave rise to his multifarious activities. These free, on-going courses are taught by his students.

You’ll learn about spirituality, meditation, the soul, spiritual teachers, vegetarian diet, mantras, physical fitness, creativity, and the world beyond the physical senses.

To find out more, please get in touch with us!

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“Peace means a flood of love in the world-family.”

Sri Chinmoy

Video: Sri Chinmoy – a message

“We meditate because this world of ours has not been able to fulfill us. The so-called peace that we feel in our day-to-day life is five minutes of peace after ten hours of anxiety, worry and frustration. We are constantly at the mercy of the negative forces that are all around us: jealousy, fear, doubt, worry, anxiety and despair. These forces are like monkeys. When they get tired of biting us and take rest for a few minutes, then we say that we are enjoying peace. But this is not real peace at all, and the next moment they will attack us again. It is only through meditation that we can get lasting peace, divine peace.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Video: Why do we meditate? Taken from the Meditation Silence podcast

Other inspiring projects

Running for Peace

Our members also take part in the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run. We carry a flaming torch for peace around the world, and have visited over 150 countries, including Ghana!